Skills-Based Modular Courses & Professional Development Programme
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Skills-Based Modular Courses (SBMC)
Applicants under ECDA’s Professional Development Programme for Teachers [PDP(T)] are required to complete at least 1 Modular course under the Specialist Diploma in Early Childhood Learning Support (SDELS).
Validity Period
Credits earned from the completion of SBMC is valid for 4 years and can count towards the attainment of a full qualification Diploma/Post-Diploma.
Maximum Candidature Period
For the Specialist Diploma in Early Childhood Learning Support (SDELS), the maximum candidature period is 32 months. For other full-qualification courses, students may take up to twice the longest course duration available for the course to complete their studies. For example:
Courses | Maximum course duration | Maximum candidature period |
Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education - Teaching (DECCE-T) | 30 months | 5 years |
Diploma (Conversion) in Early Childhood Care and Education – Teaching [DECCE-T (Conversion)] | 13 months | 26 months |
Diploma in Tamil Studies with Early Education | 18 months | 3 years |
Specialist Diploma in Early Childhood Intervention (Special Needs) (SDESN) | 15 months | 30 months |

For all modular courses, applicants are required to meet the minimum entry requirements (MERs) of the corresponding Diploma/Post-Diploma. Please visit the course pages for the respective MERs.
Upon successful completion of each modular course, you will receive a Statement of Results. Credits earned from SBMC can be considered for credit exemption for the corresponding Diploma.
Modular Course | Stackable to |
Child Development 1 | Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education - Teaching (DECCE-T) |
Designing Early Childhood Programmes | Advanced Diploma in Early Childhood Centre Leadership (ADECL) |
Constructing a Meaningful Educational Setting | Specialist Diploma in Early Childhood Learning Support (SDELS) |
Principles of Assessment | Specialist Diploma in Early Childhood Learning Support (SDELS) |
SBMCs Under Certificate In Inclusive Practice (CIP)
CIP comprises 7 modules, subdivided into 3 clusters. You may apply for this course as:
- 3 Skills-Based Modular Courses (SBMCs) [Clusters A, B and C] OR
- 7 singular SBMC units [7 modules] OR
- A full qualification
Maximum Candidature Period
There is no candidature period for SBMCs under CIP. For more information, visit the CIP course page.
Modular Course | Stackable to |
Child Development 1 | Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education - Teaching (DECCE-T) |
Designing Early Childhood Programmes | Advanced Diploma in Early Childhood Centre Leadership (ADECL) |
Constructing a Meaningful Educational Setting | Specialist Diploma in Early Childhood Learning Support (SDELS) |
Principles of Assessment | Specialist Diploma in Early Childhood Learning Support (SDELS) |
Note: All modules in the CIP will be recognised as modular courses for the Professional Development Programme for Teachers [PDP(T)]. PDP participants can also take CIP modules to fulfil their minimum CPD hour requirement if they have already completed a modular course.

Professional Development Programme for Teachers [PDP(T)]
Professional Development Programme for Teachers [PDP(T)]
Modular Course | Stackable to |
Child Development 1 | Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education - Teaching (DECCE-T) |
Designing Early Childhood Programmes | Advanced Diploma in Early Childhood Centre Leadership (ADECL) |
Constructing a Meaningful Educational Setting | Specialist Diploma in Early Childhood Learning Support (SDELS) |
Principles of Assessment | Specialist Diploma in Early Childhood Learning Support (SDELS) |
PDP(T) applicants must also take the compulsory CPD module Developing the Leader in Me or Developing the Leader in Me (Chinese) 自我成长以成为领导者. For more information, visit ECDA’s PDP(T) page.
Professional Development Programme for Educarers [PDP(E)]
Applicants under ECDA’s PDP(E) are required to take the compulsory CPD module:
- Observation and Planning for the Holistic Development of Infants and Toddlers
- Observation and Planning for the Holistic Development of Infants & Toddlers (Chinese) 观察与制订促进婴幼儿全面发展计划
For more information, visit ECDA’s PDP(E) page.